Facilitation is at the core of Solid Fire Consulting's practice.


Facilitation is at the core of our practice. We facilitate productive, interactive meetings and retreats, working closely with your key stakeholders to develop the purpose and flow of a meeting. Tapping into the collective wisdom of your group, we use facilitation in the service of team and trust building, culture building, staff and board development, strategy development, decision-making, and many other organizational goals.Several core principles inform our work with groups: we believe in the power of co-creation, trust in the emergence of unforeseen solutions and ideas, embrace productive conflict, and practice sitting with the inevitable discomfort that comes from living into these principles. All of our facilitation ensures that you are prepared and supported to continue your growth beyond a given meeting.

Solid Fire Consulting’s facilitation work supports your organization’s needs using the following methods:

  • Customized participatory methodologies, including Circle Practice, World Cafe, Open Space, Appreciative Inquiry, Storytelling, Experiential and Arts-Based Activities, and Online Interactive Facilitation

  • Group process development, including:

    • Brainstorming and building on each other’s ideas

    • Giving and receiving feedback

    • Active listening practice

    • Engaging in courageous conversations

    • Collective decision making methods

  • Team and trust building

  • Developing strategy

  • Co-facilitation, coaching, and training


Solid Fire Consulting supports your changemaking through...